Monday, December 06, 2021

Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space

 I think my feet are sinking into this granite.


And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space

'Cause it's bugger all down here on Earth

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Robby the Robot rises from the dead

I think he may have a screw loose, he keeps talking about toilet paper. I'm pretty sure he's going to kill us all in our sleep. I'm going to keep an eye on it, one wrong step and it'll have to worry about its own oil spill.

"Collectrons have a fanatical obsession with junk, expressing satisfaction when observing mundane or unsightly displays such as used toilet paper, decaying cloth, and oil spills"

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Can you fly Bobby

Crepuscular rays are my weakness. 

Learning some new skills - firefighting.

One day, lad, all this will be yours.

What, the curtains?

No, not the curtains  

Apparently you should wear your power armour when attempting this stunt.

Also you only have 20 seconds to get to the body to apply first aid; Craig learnt not to trust his onlooking friends. 

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!

 Left to his own devices, Craig goes mad with power and builds his very own fortress of solitude. 

Then begs us to witness his base jumping skills, only to realise it's a backpack not a parachute he's packing. Skeleton costume appeared to be prescient.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

It's not a tuba


So when you're playing you feel like a preserved moose on stage?

Bart dropped by to say "Hi!", Zaph continued stirring the cauldron - everything's fine and normal, as expected really on this Hallow eve.

I dropped by Dave's house, he didn't say much.

I've lived through three end-of-days, it's never got weird enough for me.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Honey... where are my pants?


No pants, no service is our motto. (Craig where are your pants?) 

 We hadn't heard from Sturnim in ages - I guess he was taking a bath. Bathing can improve heart health, may help you to breathe easier · Your brain and nervous system can benefit from bathing. But maybe you can have too much of a good thing.

King of Swamp Castle: One day, lad, all this will be yours.
Prince Herbert: What, the curtains?
King: No, not the curtains, lad.
King: I built this kingdom up from nothing.  When I started, all I had was swamp! Other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em! It sank into the swamp, so I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. I built a third one. It burned down, fell over, and then it sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up! And that's what you're going to get, lad--the strongest castle on these islands!

Craig showing us his new castle's Vertigo-Inducing Observation Deck.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

I don't think I can cope with anymore of this. I think I'll just go and have a little lie down somewhere

 After the harrowing mining facility in GTFO, we decided to take a holiday in Fallout'76

Don't mess with us, or we'll redecorate your house - and we've only got one color.

Brain fungus, or is that just Dave's Pip Boy set to flashlight mode. 

Dave you go ahead - I'm sure it's fine.

It's always nice to know Zaph's got your back whilst conversing with the locals; "So the lumber yard you say".

Monday, September 27, 2021

You could have photoshopped that


Dave has no confidence in us.

Re-apply C-Foam as required for the win.

But let's not talk of A1 again, the very first level of the game cleared!

Saturday, September 04, 2021

On three

After creeping around, being as silent as humanly possibly, we're finally in position.

Me right next to the Striker, and six feet away Bart's next to his.

This needs precision timing, 

This needs to be precision timing, we both have to "fire" our hammers at exactly the same time, because if one of them triggers early then it's all gonna be over, it's just gonna be a mess - so precision timing here is the key.

So the hammer takes a few seconds just to charge up and then it's ready to go. Now if you just press and hold it will charge charge charge and then it's ready, let go and fire - headshot, perfect kill done and dusted. That's all we have to do. If you want to cancel, you need to right click if, you let go early it will just fire half charged and it's a fizzer, not too much damage. You've just gotta get it right, it's very simple!

So Bart says "on the count of three we are going to charge the hammer, so it's gonna be 1, 2, 3 then click and hold".

And I'm like "okay I've got it, I've got it, so on three, that's when we gonna press the button"

Bart says "on three, ready?" 

"I've got you, ready."


and I press the button.

Here's me lying dead with my trusty hammer.

We've just started playing GTFO, and it's hard

Sunday, August 29, 2021

There's a lot of skeletons in my closet!

Actually, they're out of the closet, and lying on the floor in front of me.

Craig: "Dave, that blue swirly stuff is fine to walk through - right?"

Dave: "Sure is"

Craig: "Dave!" 

Craig: "Fine, can one of you res me..." 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

H.R. Giger's server farm

40,000 years from now, all your data will be protected with the skulls of the Dev Ops who maintained them. No one left alive actually knows if it helps, but no one is going to remove them to find out!

That odd feeling you get, when your head explodes into triangles - what shader matrix operation has not been configured properly you wonder. If your migraine persists, maybe have a lie down take a 1000mg of paracetamol - it should sort itself out eventually. Try to avoid strenuous activity - like cleansing the infested space hulk.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Ford Prefect suppressed a little giggle of evil satisfaction

Ok, what's that giant vertical flaming thing? Is that ours or theirs?
Dave: "It's Craig's"
Ok. Cool.
Craig: "But I don't know how to control it?"

Ok, who owns those giant vertical purple beams, Craig?
Dave: "They're warp anomalies, created when Craig overheats"
Ok. Cool.
Dave: "... and they're bad! Don't stand in them". 


“I thought,” he said, “that if the world was going to end we were meant to lie down or put a paper bag over our head or something.”
“If you like, yes,” said Ford.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

So, we've mapped every inch of Baulder's Gate 3 - pre-release. We now have to wait for the actual release. So we've decided to take a nice little relaxing holiday. Travel broadens the mind they say, so let's see the sights of the 42nd millennium, admire the gothic architecture, take the safety off and drop a train on it!

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - hey where's Craig?
Zaph's what's up with that floating Hitler skull, or is that Sturnim? 

 In space, there is no up, no north. Hell we don't even know where the camera is.

Why is there a massive turret on the inside of this ship?
I mean, imagine this was the Gerald R Ford Class, US - which is a super massive aircraft carrier, the largest in history - displacing like 100,000t, powered by two A1B nuclear reactors - do you think they have turrets like this mounted on the inside of the deck? No that would be dangerous!

But putting that all aside - why am I up the front here, I mean I'm literally up near the pointy end of this massive turret, and I see Dave's hanging back at a safe distance.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

One day lad, all this will be yours!

I built this kingdom up from nothing. When I started, all I had was swamp! Other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em! It sank into the swamp, so I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. I built a third one. It burned down, fell over, and then it sank into the swamp.

You appear to have a major infestation of dragons here, I mean at the size of that thing.

Oh, actually it's not really that big.

But then again, that is a pretty hefty looking leg. Craig do not attempt a pick pocket, we'll never hear the end of it. We still dine out on the tales of the last dragon you did that to. 

We like oil barrels. They may be heavy in the old bag, but totally worth it.

I mean seriously, whose turn is it to clean up the camp?
Well, on second thought, let's go to Camelot. This is a silly place.

OMG - the dog has turned up at our camp. We're all going to die in our sleep!


Saturday, May 08, 2021

Sometimes you need to take a bath

You can't see the stinky fumes rising in this still frame, but trust me Dave's cleaning bill is not going to be cheap. We can't go into town with you smelling like that!  

Thunder arrows are my new favourite thing. I think I said this last week, and they still are.

The knoll was not only blown clean off the cliff here, but crash landed on one of his buddies below - killing them both!

When stalking trolls, be very quiet - we don't want this to go down like it did for Bilbo.
Oh, and they can throw things like this big rock. Zaph was soon to find out why this building was all smashed up.

Here's Craig showing us how to ice skate - I think he may have forgotten to put his skates on!

How good are spikes - 1d4 piercing damage every time a creature moves.
So we advise against breakdancing. Some monsters just will not listen!

<click> Look into my eyes. I will haunt your dreams, I will hunt you and all your kin down, they will never hear me coming. <click>. 

The dog said he'd meet us back at our camp. 

Well it was like this officer...

Whilst hanging out in this dodgey as heck underground secret society, Zaph and Dave find a secret door - you know, one of those illusion ones. "Let's check it out", and in they go.  Meanwhile Craig and I, just minding our own business, suddenly discover, the whole joint has gone hostile.
I drop a darkness smoke bomb, and hightail it out of there, via the secret door.
Craig...well, let's just say we need to get back to camp (I believe you can res people's dead body's from there. Craig, it may look like we're deserting you, but... say your cat's still good right?).

After a hard day's adventuring, we eventually made our way back to camp, the dog was not to be seen... 

Oh, and we res'd Craig.
Craig, can you summon your pet cat now ... for ... you know, the dog.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Reading expands the mind

This book looks broken, but believe it or not, Dave actually saved the day by reading some books in the Underdark. But we'll come back to that later...

Pushing enemies off a ledge is our new favourite thing.

Or firing thunder arrows at them which can blow an enemy clean of the gantry, to their death. Way quicker than slugging it out, toe to toe.

And shove


I think this is the Thunder Arrow exploding. Sadly I'm out of ammo now :(

Hey don't step in front of those giant laser cannon things... too late.

So there is this castle in the Underdark.

And after you make your way through all the tricks and traps, you meet this automaton.

Did I mention the bit about reading the books - we chose poorly!