Friday, November 13, 2020

Veteran, we said veteran

Wide screen lobby for Vermintide 2.

"We're pro's, we know what we're doing, we should set it to Veteran".
What's this barrel, maybe I should shoot it. Boom - the party all takes damage.
Ok, it's a simple descent down a ladder in to the mine. Dave slips nearly killing himself. 
So - we're good, now lets face the rat horde.

Three attempts later ... "Let's dial it back!".


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Dangerous - Mostly harmless


Here's my average cargo ship, parked at  Milnor station in Dulos.

Who knew the future would just be high tech trucking. Now where's that spreadsheet, I need to buy some stock. 

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Where are the lions in DC?

So Dave learned of an Easter egg, fabulous rewards lay ahead - all we needed to do was find these mysterious Lion's Eyes.

Located in burger bars across town, were these refrigerators - and looting them, would drop the reward of a seemingly useless pair of Lion's Eyes. Then we needed to find the first lion. Activating the Lion, it would rotate to point to the next lion, some 100m away, with each lion getting further away.

So after locating the fifth pair, and fifth lion - we prepared to activate it.

Surely the boons would be beyond imagination, maybe like that end scene of Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark. 

But be warned, brace yourself - you may not be able to handle the mental burden of this knowledge, the mind melting reward, click image below if you dare:

Friday, May 22, 2020

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Honor our fallen comrade

Sturnim the Awesome, master of soloing, a
king born of battle.
We still hear your voice on this silent hill, "I'm going in!".

We will see you in Valhalla!

Why we can't have nice things

I'm not quite sure why it is. But if the squad has some kind of transport, invariably that transport is doomed to explode. I'm sure there is a PHD in this somewhere, maybe someone has written one already. Maybe titled "Team dynamics in a virtual economy", where the resource is somewhat of a rare commodity, but not so rare as to cause great harm to the team's functioning if lost.
Why does this happen? I think it has to do with being alive. In a virtual world, what is the true meaning of being alive. One of the definitions of consciousness, which is under some debate at the moment, is to have "subjective experience".
I think Craig blew up our chopper, this may be subjective, therefore I'm conscious.