Saturday, April 13, 2024

Mindflayer Mayhem: The Madcap March to Myles's Monstrous Metamorphosis!

 Friday night - where to start, an epic and long journey awaited us. We started as we always do with shopping, although pre-warned with knowledge the city of Baldurs Gate was not safe, we went back to the outskirts, unloaded our junk and stocked up on potions. Back to camp for a long rest, before we started out on what we hoped would be the final leg of our journey to stop the elder brain.

 We teleported to the sigil closest to the morphic pool, and climbed into a flimsy boat to paddle down river. Our worst fears were realised when a stalactite broke free from the roof, and plunging down destroyed our boat. You already know dwarves can't swim, especially when wearing full plate armor. To our surprise Zaph popped to the surface and swam ashore.  Things are getting weirder and weirder.  We explored around, pausing only to deal with an ambush of mind stalkers.

 Finally the pool was before us, Zaph advanced confidently netherstones clutched in his grimy fist, and then at long last we confronted our foe as the elder brain floated up out of the pool and demanded we hand over the stones - Zaph using his indomitable will resisted (easy peasy), then tried to strike the Elder brain down (fail, fail, fail, epic fail).  The Elder brain sensing it had won - monologued and explained how we had been its pawns all along, how the chosen had worked to its plan, how the Emperor himself was another pawn it had set free.

 Then it transformed into a Netherbrain (well that sucks). Zaph tried to defy it again, when the Emperor appeared and transported us to safety in the Astral plane.

 Well shit just got real, time for a new plan. The emperor was quick to declare our only choice was to give him the netherstones so he could consume Orpheus and use all that power to defeat the netherbrain.

 Zaph was quick to point out that that trick never works.  The Emperor asked if we had a better plan, and we suggested we could use the Orphic Hammer to free Orpheus (its in the name) and see if he had a plan.

 The Emperor was not impressed, monologued about how he had saved us, protected us, given Myle's the best tentacular sex ever, etc, etc, etc. We explained he had also lied to us from the get go, plus we watched the tentacle sex through the portal and frankly, we have seen better.  The Emperor declared if we aren't with him, we are against him and left to join the Netherbrain.

 So a few quick whacks and Orpheus is free, and not at all impressed with our tadpole infested help. His plan is it takes a mind-flayer to defeat the netherbrain, so he could loosen the protection just a tad and we could be transformed, then protected once again.  Zaph said he needed to think about it.  So we had a quick chat, Myle's of course thinking tentacles are the best fashion statement ever told Orpheus he was up for the job.

 Stuff happens and we are amazed at Myle's floaty, tentacular form.  With alfoil in place to stop Myles reading our thoughts or eating our brains we head off to defeat the Netherbrain.

 We arrive back in Baldurs gate to find the Netherbrain hovering above the ruins of the city, Mindflayer ships abound and red dragon on the attack. We quickly regroup with the flaming fist (city guard) and the allies we have gathered through the journey who have pledged to help us.  Some shopping, then onward where we fight through multiple groups of Mind flayers and their allies with the help of our summons, Orpheus and a few of our allies.  At last we arrive at the tallest tower in the land and begin our ascent to the Netherbrain, except this time it brought artillery. We try to hide from the artillery, slowly advance, fend off the attack of Mindflayers only to have our progress drag to a halt.  Things are starting to look dicey, Orpheus gets blown off a wall, our elementals are down, only Myles can save us. He flys up a level, sprints to the door opens it and heads to the Mind Flayer healing pod thingy.  Where in some weird gaming logic we also join him including Orpheus.

 We climb up the brain stalk (gross) to be confronted by the Emperor, 6 of his flayer buddies, the biggest red dragon we have ever seen and assorted other critters.  The clock is running out as we shiv the emperor, distract the dragon with our allies, and scream at Myles to stop shooting stuff and get to the effing crown already.  Myles flys ahead, confronts the crown (oh yeah, it would have been helpful if we were there to aid him), and holds off the mind blasts of the desperate mind flayers to open a portal.   He jumps through the portal to confront the netherbrain, a new countdown starts, Zaph jumps through as Craig (remot piloted as he had disconnected and couldn't rejoin) and Dave race to join him.  Dave is protected by Sanctuary so he wont be attacked, and Craig has minions distracting the mind flayers. Myles's buddy also races towards the portal, inconveniently standing near Dave so any AOE attacks will also hit him.  And they oblige, the red dragon unleashes its fiery breath, and a couple of mind flayers blast away, ensuring Dave and Orpheus wont we joining the fight.

 Myles, Zaph, Craig and a few summoned allies manage to overcome the Netherbrain before the clock runs out, ordering it to kill its tadpoles and itself. The dead brain (with us aboard) crashes into the river.

  Cut to victory celebrations, you see everyday people take up the fight and slaughter the remaining mind flayers. Craig vows to destroy the remainder of Bhaals cult, Myles decides to use his new powers for good, Dave is off to hell to fight alongside Karlach (as her infernal engine can't survive on the surface), Astarion develops an allergy to sunlight, Wyll offered to come to hell but we convinced him to stay in the city.

 Zaph must be wenching as he totally skipped the end scene.  Orpheus is off to fight Vlakith and vows his people will never forget what Myles has done for them.

 We cut to the hells to see Dave and Karlach readying for a fight with approaching imps …..

 6 months go by and Withers calls us all through a portal to reminisce … and that is where we call it a night.

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