So there's iron gate, with a unpickable lock.
But there was all this loot, so we smashed the gate with brute force. Me thinks this was a tad too easy.
Mind-flayers. Why did have to be mind-flayers...
Sometimes it's just better to leave dead things dead, talking to the dead is not all it's cracked up to be.
So we learned the hard way, that blood can be turned to ice - and that it can be the simple trip hazards that can be your undoing. Here we see Zaph, knocked out cold, lying flat on his back in a pool of icy blood. Meanwhile Craig finds out the hard way that the back of the room is kind of vulnerable. I'm rolling a saving throw vs hiding.
We spilled a barrel of oil into the adjoining room. Those barrels are heavy at 10 lb a piece, but they as it turned out they were worth more than their weight...
Check out those numbers, it spanned three rooms.
Dave cast some spike spell. These awesome spikes do 1d4 piercing damage, and lasts for 99 turns.
Craig's summoned cat barely made it half way across - and this was after all the remaining half burned goblins staggered through to their death.
Oh yeah, we should probably res Craig. We only just stocked up on res scrolls back in town, and we've already used half of them. It was like 300gp for a set, they're not cheap you know - and they certainly don't grow on trees!
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