So using the rune gate we jump from town and were dropped straight into angry Goblin Camp.
Check out the number of hostiles in the next cap.
Which included this 59hp behemoth.
Luckily we had somehow broken the ladder which lead up to where we were holed up.
Unlucky for Craig who was down at ground level. What's Craig's character's name again, was it Uncle Soon-dead or Aunt Gonna-bite-it
Another res scroll later, and Craig's re-joined the living.
That's one ugly looking "Harry Potter"'esque trunk you've got there Dave (The Spider), apparently it was too heavy - so we just looted it and left it behind. I'm sure someone will find a home for it.
We love these Spike Growth traps, and even better when a plan comes together, with the hostile wargs coming up the stairs right and walking right through the traps. Lucky for us, the AI didn't route via the stairs to the right!
Who put this wood thing here, it's blocking my big scene.
When cut scenes go wrong.