At midnight, Myles and Dave set out on a daring mission to steal a canoe from its unsuspecting owner. Determined to make their mark on the world, or at least on the local waterways, they swam out to the canoe and sprang into action.
With a swift yank, the owner was thrown out of the canoe and into the water, much to the amusement of Myles and Dave. Taking control of the stolen vessel, they paddled away into the night, with Dave doing all the work and Myles basking in the glory of his successful plan.
And so, with their stolen canoe in tow and the sound of laughter ringing in their ears, Myles and Dave disappeared into the night, ready for their next daring escapade. Just remember, folks, this is all in good fun and not to be taken seriously. Canoe theft is a serious crime, so don't try this at home, or you may find yourself swimming with the consequences.
After a wild night on the water, Myles and Dave paddled back to shore, exhausted but elated. As they pulled up to camp, Dave pulled out a surprise - a Superior Quality stew, cooked to perfection in a pot over a fire.
The duo devoured the stew, reliving their daring canoe theft and chuckling at the memories.
But before they dozed off, they made a promise to each other - to never steal a canoe on an empty stomach again.

Capturing the beauty of a lightning strike on camera can be a challenging task, as the speed and unpredictability of the lightning makes it difficult to get the perfect shot. This is true in both real life and in the game "Red Dead Redemption". While standing on the shore line of Van Horn, players may try to capture the stunning sight of a lightning strike, but capturing its full glory is a feat that requires patience, luck, and a keen eye. Despite the difficulty, the effort is often worth it, as the end result can be a breathtaking image that captures the raw power of nature.
The posse delivering the goods for @shadowmage, including @Mr Flibble's stolen wagon
(With the aid of ChatGPT)