Saturday, May 04, 2024

There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men.

"The Hellbomb is provided when the Helldivers need to destroy a stationary target."
Simple - right.

Alright, listen up! This Hellbomb isn't your ordinary backyard firecracker. We're talking about a blast radius so expansive you'll need a map just to find the edges. So, unless you fancy a closer look at the pearly gates, I'd take a few giant steps back. Oh, and while you're at it, grab some of that sunblock 3000—because where you're standing, SPF 50 won't even scratch the surface. When this baby goes off, it'll be like a second sun lighting up the sky!

Recruit (Myles) was ordered to call in the bomb while everyone else runs for cover. Myles then runs for cover. Then Dave says you need to go back to arm it. Then yells "Now run away, run faster!" as it's about to explode.

Further back is better - as see by Zaph at a comfy safe distance.

Zaph, that's a long way out of town

Extraction just in time, as the firestorms close in