So last night we were off to solve some puzzles to prove ourselves true heroes worthy of awakening Ansur the legendary dragon to defend Baldurs gate. First up - balance the scales of justice. Look at the pictures on the walls that depict a crime (stealing an apple to feed a hungry child), then stealing a priceless artifact, plus the bribed judge sentencing the poor guy to death. We then had to pick from - three pictures depicting death, jail time, freedom an appropriate sentence. Jail time it was, then off to the next puzzle. In the next puzzle we had three people from Baldurs Gates history, 2 being good , one being bad and we had to choose to kill one of them. To make it more challenging you had to catch flying books to read about these people so you could make a decision. The first book you can just catch, the next not so much, and apparently shooting them out of the air destroys the books, the correct move, go to turn based, snatch that sucker out of the air and throw it on the ground. After reading (uuurrggh) we offed the correct dude. For the third puzzle, we found a partially played chess game, and we had to take it to checkmate of the black king in two turns. You get three attempts to solve the puzzle. After much discussion we burnt an attempt to see how it worked, then Craig cracked that sucker. The fourth puzzle - Zaph got to hold a torch for 4 turns, whilst a bunch of angry air and water elementals took turns punching his clock. Phew - finally we were declared true heroes and able to go wake the dragon.
But wait plot twist, the dragon is dead, and not happy being dead, and even unhappier that the emperor (mind flayer that Myles had weird tentacle sex with) is the one who killed him and ... plot twist ... used to be the Balduran the founder of Baldurs gate, and Ansur the dragons bestie. It seems Balduran went a wandering, stumbled on Moonrise tower, captured by Mind flayers, infected with the parasite, rescued by Ansur, couldn't be saved, turned into a mind flayer, Anser went to put him out of his misery and Balduran beat him to the punch and killed him ... phew. Long story short, big boss battle against an undead dragon who swatted Craig and Zaph like the annoyances they are, leaving Myles to save the day with his arrows of undead & dragon slaying. But hey we got some cool loot, Baldurans legendary giant slaying great sword (now wielded by Zaph), and Baldurans cool legendary helmet which is a little tight, but looks cool on Dave (who may have grabbed those whilst Myles and Craig were distracted by the cut scene).
Then off to rob a bank (I mean check out the trap set for the stone lord, and see what's happening in the vault.) We may have stopped briefly downstairs to loot the clerks office and hoover up every potion and item in sight, followed by Myles practicing his safe cracking skills on vaults 1 to 6, and safe 1 through 7 (needing a 25 to pick each lock). Then into the vault for the main event, only slightly delayed by us having to crack the security code. Where we watched the drap go south as Minsk (of Baldurs gate 2 fame & Jaheira's bestie) broke out of a mimic. He and fake Jaheira escaped with the banks gold leaving us to help the bank idiots fight off a wave of assassins. Since no-one was paying us for this work, Myles cracked high security vaults 1 through 9 (needing a 30 to pick the lock) and we took everything that wasn't nailed to the floor, only briefly delayed by a couple of invisible assassins lurking around the filing cabinets. The banker tried to convince us we should go recover the gold and return it, so its off to the sewers (what a shitty life adventuring is) to track down the stone lord. We spent over an hour traipsing through shit form one end of the sewer to the other until we finally stumbled on the stone lord. Since real Jaheira wanted us to rescue Minsk, Dave set the combat to non-lethal, told Myles and Craig repeatedly (like at least 5 times) we needed to take him alive, whilst killing the squirrel dude, then promptly used a water elemental to crush that tattooed idiot (Minsk) to death ... oops. At this point we agreed to try that again next week, and maybe not have Craig and his horde of minions be first through the tunnel blocking the passageway.