So, we've mapped every inch of Baulder's Gate 3 - pre-release. We now have to wait for the actual release. So we've decided to take a nice little relaxing holiday. Travel broadens the mind they say, so let's see the sights of the 42nd millennium, admire the gothic architecture, take the safety off and drop a train on it!
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - hey where's Craig?
Zaph's what's up with that floating Hitler skull, or is that Sturnim?
In space, there is no up, no north. Hell we don't even know where the camera is.
I mean, imagine this was the Gerald R Ford Class, US - which is a super massive aircraft carrier, the largest in history - displacing like 100,000t, powered by two A1B nuclear reactors - do you think they have turrets like this mounted on the inside of the deck? No that would be dangerous!
But putting that all aside - why am I up the front here, I mean I'm literally up near the pointy end of this massive turret, and I see Dave's hanging back at a safe distance.