So we did a bit of a clean sweep last night, Myles and Dave found the quartermaster wandering aimlessly on the ground floor, so we pillaged all the cultists, harpers, and flaming fist bodies and sold their crap to her. Bought out her arrows, and healing potions. After the dungeon fight, we thoroughly explored the place, including the gruesome Mind layer oubliette. We found the bodies of some tieflings we were asked to rescue - OOPS! Back to camp for a good nights sleep before we headed off to the mausoleum to find the Shar treasure room and the end of the Gauntlet that we somehow missed. It was a bit of a fight, some trapped bookshelves, solved a puzzle to lower the portcullis, and found Myles some nice Justiciar armor to wear, and a pointy stick. Then back to the room where the Necromancer was when we met him, cleaned out the alchemy supplies he no longer needs, and found our budding Necromancer (Craig) a handy dandy ring.
After a later brunch, we headed back to the Moonrise towers to sell all our new crap to the Quartermaster, and buy her new stock of healing potions. Then we climbed to the top of the tower, for the epic battle with the not so immortal anymore General Kethric. Of course, he was a right prick and wouldn't let us hack his head off with a halberd , since he was no longer immortal. Myles refused to beg like a dog, so the fight was on. First thing Myles did was to pump their wizard full of arrows so we could avoid that group fireball shite they like doing.Craig is scared of dogs, so he lobbed an ice knife at the generals mutt, which made it slip over. Of course both his zombies promptly fell over in the ice and he was annoyed we hadn't advised him that would happen. We did ask if he had read the fine print before casting the spell. To add icicles to injury his third creature jumped over to deal with the puppy, slipped on the ice and end up on its butt as well. So our usual job of tactics.
Finally, our winged angel with a little help from us beat the snot out of Kethric, who then had a trumpian hissy fit and giant tentacles burst from the roof, pinned the angel, and carried her away. After only a slight hesitation we jumped into the tentacular hole in the roof to follow.
So the intrepid adventures travelled through the squelchy, bloody hidden mind flayer lair under Moonrise towers. We found our old intellect devourer friend (that we freed at the start of this whole thing) locked in a cage. Whilst Myles worked on picking the lock, I talked to the brain dead Orc (Chomp). Not sure if it was my conversation choices, or Craig trying to smash the cage open, but of course it was all on like Donkey Kong in a room full of intellect devourers.
To be continued...