Thunder arrows are my new favourite thing. I think I said this last week, and they still are.
The knoll was not only blown clean off the cliff here, but crash landed on one of his buddies below - killing them both!
When stalking trolls, be very quiet - we don't want this to go down like it did for Bilbo.
Oh, and they can throw things like this big rock. Zaph was soon to find out why this building was all smashed up.
So we advise against breakdancing. Some monsters just will not listen!
<click> Look into my eyes. I will haunt your dreams, I will hunt you and all your kin down, they will never hear me coming. <click>.
The dog said he'd meet us back at our camp.
Well it was like this officer...

Whilst hanging out in this dodgey as heck underground secret society, Zaph and Dave find a secret door - you know, one of those illusion ones. "Let's check it out", and in they go. Meanwhile Craig and I, just minding our own business, suddenly discover, the whole joint has gone hostile.
I drop a darkness smoke bomb, and hightail it out of there, via the secret door.
Craig...well, let's just say we need to get back to camp (I believe you can res people's dead body's from there. Craig, it may look like we're deserting you, but... say your cat's still good right?).
After a hard day's adventuring, we eventually made our way back to camp, the dog was not to be seen...
Oh, and we res'd Craig.
Craig, can you summon your pet cat now ... for ... you know, the dog.
Oh, and we res'd Craig.
Craig, can you summon your pet cat now ... for ... you know, the dog.
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